inToAsia: TBA Festival 2013 -- Samson YOUNG

Author: inCube Arts 2016-12-04 02:02:48 Views: 551



inToAsia: Time-based Art Festival 2013 -- MicroCities
Curated by CHEN Wei-ching, Joanne and LAI Lih-huei (Josiane)


Sound Performance
FRI. Aug 9, 2013
@ Residency Unlimited
360 Court St. Unit #4, Brooklyn, NY 11231

inCube Arts presents Pulse Radio II -- Homage to Nicolas Collins (Debussy's Arabesque No. 1) by Samson YOUNG

Participating Artist in inToAsia: TBA Festival 2013:
CHEN Wan-Jen|CHIANG Chien-Hsin + LIAO Chien-Chiao|Chilai Howard CHENG|Chim↑Pom|Chitra Ganesh|CHOU Yu-Cheng|CHU ChunTeng|DIN Chin-Chung|Gitanjali Rao|HO Tzu Nyen|HSU Che-Yu|HSU Chia-Wei|HU Xiangqian|Junebum PARK|Kenji WONG|LIN Chi-Wei|Linda C.H. LAI|Michelle DIZON|Piyarat PIYAPONGWIWAT|Samson YOUNG|Silas FONG|SU Yu-Hsien|TIAN Xiaolei|Tintin WULIA|TSUI Kuang-Yu|TU Pei-Shih|UJINO|WANG Chung-kun|WANG Fujui|WONG Hoy Cheong|WU Chang-Jung|Yeondoo JUNG|Yukihiro TAGUCHI



ABOUT inCube Arts
Based in New York City, founded by CHEN Wei-Ching, Joanne and co-founded by LAI Lih-huei (Josiane) and Yumei Yang Durham, inCube Arts is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to fostering new forms of cultural exchange and creative expression through exhibitions, art festival, artist/curator residencies, workshops and public lectures and talks. inCube Arts will launch the first edition of inToAsia: Time-based Art Festival in New York City, an annual public event for New Media Arts. The festival will become the bridge for Asian Time-based Art to connect with the West (Europe and America), providing Asian perspective through multi-disciplinary media including videos, shorts, animations, kinetic installations, and real-time sound art performances. Participating nations include Taiwan, China, Hong-Kong, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. inCube Arts aims to create a platform for the professionals to brainstorm their avant-garde and experimental ideas under the auspices of a beyond-institution, trans-disciplinary and cross-continent juncture.


2013亞洲時基:新媒體藝術節 -- 微型城市
27th, July -- 31st, Aug 2013


日本:Chim↑Pom 、田口行弘(Yukihiro TAGUCHI)、宇治野宗輝(UJINO)
韓國:鄭然斗(Yeondoo JUNG)、朴峻範(Junebum PARK)
菲律賓:Michelle DIZON
印尼:Tintin WULIA
印度:Chitra GANESH、Gitanjali Rao


@ 紐約皇后美術館(The Queens Museum of Art)


@ 紐約Residency Unlimited藝術中心
演出藝術家:PADA 江薦新+廖芊喬 (Taiwan)、楊嘉輝(Hong Kong)、王福瑞(Taiwan)、林其蔚(Taiwan)


@ 紐約Stephan Stoyanov畫廊
展期:2013年8月8日 - 31日


@ 紐約NARS藝術基金會(The NARS Foundation)
展期:2013年8月8日 - 28日


「亞洲時基:新媒體藝術節」為紐約inCube Arts藝術中心所創辦的年度大展,為美洲首要關注於「亞洲新媒體藝術」最大藝術節。以現在進行式持續發展的新媒體藝術,廣受全球關注,目前世界各地美術館、非營利藝文中心、商業藝廊、雙年展與國際藝術博覽會皆將電子錄像藝術列為當代藝術中發展最為快速的創作類別。統整全球各藝文單位以數位藝術(Digital Art)、多媒體藝術(Multi-media Art)、錄像藝術(Video Art)或科技藝術(Tech Art)來分類,「時基新媒體藝術」(time-based media art)用更廣泛的方式來定義,凡舉採用視頻錄像、電影、聲響、音頻、電腦技術、光、網路、動力機械、裝置等媒材創作都在此範圍內。「亞洲時基:新媒體藝術節」將成為美洲藝文平台中專注於「亞洲」時基新媒體藝術節慶,將透過此創作媒材呈現「亞洲現況」的種種內在與外在系統的變化,用微觀的角度探討對應全球發展的在地影響。


主辦單位|紐約inCube Arts藝術中心
協辦單位|紐約皇后美術館(The Queens Museum of Art)、紐約Stephan Stoyanov畫廊、紐約NARS 藝術基金會(The NARS Foundation)、紐約Residency Unlimited藝術中心